Friday, September 30, 2005

commuting is awesome

i work in oakville and i live in toronto. so that means about a 32 km drive to work every day. it's really fun (see above traffic crap). you know what makes my drive tolarable? knowing that once in the land of the big box stores i can go to a tim hortons drive through. it's the kind of thing that was only enjoyed on road trips or weekend jaunts to the cottage. but because i'm a commuter now i get to go every day. but this morning (after having a clothing dilemma that made me leave late) i swung into my local timmys and the drive through line was stoopid long. so i parked and walked in. excellent idea i thought, this will make things go much faster. and it did! until i got back to my parking spot and found my car blocked in by a woman driving a hummer. seriously, a freaking hummer! i gave the little "hey get out of the way" toot of my horn and she just did the palms to that sky "what do you want me to do??" symbol. grrrrr..... i don't know lady, um, how about pulling your behemoth of a freaking military truck out of my way? so i was late to work because i had to wait for her kid to come out of the tims (which only took like 2 minutes, but still!) before she'd move. amazing.


Blogger Anthony Maragna said...

You see, the problem does not lie with the fact that she's got some hugeassmutherflubbin truck that she probably can't drive because she is a soccer mom. The problem lies in the fact that she has children.
If she, one day, drives over the kid with her stupidtruck, then your problem is solved.
As they say in Texas, shitfire.

2:23 PM  

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