Thursday, August 11, 2005

Okay okay okay

I think I have this blog thing worked out now.
In other news... My boyfriend and I are addicted to the televison on DVD. I love it. So much in fact that regular tv bores me now. I need a minimum 3 hour injection of one show to stay interested. When the new show LOST came out we were hooked instantly. But I hate having to wait a week to get a measly 50 minutes of show. I can't wait until TiVo is in Canada (at a reasonable rate) I will be ready with VISA in hand!


Blogger Anthony Maragna said...

Just build a TiVo. It would be about $600 and some know-how. You could also get it to do crazy things, like record two shows, while watching a third, while burning another to DVD. You could get it to hold thousands of video games, display weather, feed babies, teach you proper capitalisation, etc.
Yeah, that's right, you don't know how to use capital letters properly. Jerk.

12:06 PM  
Blogger T-Bird said...

i actually did use capital letters in that post. jerkx2

8:16 AM  

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