Wednesday, October 05, 2005

plastination is kinda creepy

so, you might have already heard about this but.. the ontario science centre has just opened up a show called "BODY WORLDS 2" it's an educational show about anatomy. but the crazy thing is that these are not models. they are REAL people - check this out->i saw the inventor of plastination, Gunther von Hagens being interviewed on tv the other night - and he was explaning how he places the cadavers in action poses. they are still gooey and soft when he "moulds" them. urgh... did i mention that he has an indiana jones like style?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey babe,
I went to the Body Worlds 2 exhibit too... how gross were those slabs of an obese man on the light table? what creeped me out where the finernails, body hair and skin still left on some of them... ewwww.... oh and mental note, don't go with a med student! they start naming off every little thing! geeez!

11:54 AM  

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