Thursday, December 22, 2005

my commute - part two

last night on the way back to civilization i got a "verbal warning" from some parka clad go employee. apparently i purchased the wrong kind of train ticket and i needed to pay $3.00 more - he "let me off this time" but .... "next time you could be fined $200". FANTASTIC - THANKS!

FF to this morning - at the last minute i decided to bring Team Romania an activity to do on the train. (she just talks endlessly about nothing...way too much for me first thing in the morning). so, as the train pulled out of union station she started to prattle on about how she was up late dying her hair bleach blonde and i pulled out my ammo. "here - i brought this to read. i am sleepy still - would you like it?" ahhh...... 35 minutes of sweet silence while she caught up on kate moss' latest escapades.


Blogger Heather said...


1:08 PM  
Blogger No one asked us said...

That is amazing! Do you think it would work on all the patrons I don't like.
What you want a book? Here read this.

3:55 PM  

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